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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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CCDBAngiospermsCompositaeInulaInula britannica L.

34 chromosome counts in Inula britannica L.:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 CHROBASE LOEVE A., LOEVE D. - 1982. IOPB chromosome number reports LXXVI.. Taxon , 31(3): 583-587.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 CHROBASE D'AMATO G. - 1971. Numeri cromosomici per la flora italiana:67-80.. Inform. Bot. Ital. , 3(2): 138-147.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 Slovakia Database Májovský J. et al., 1970b: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora Part 2. - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 18: 45-60.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IAPT/IOPB IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 13
!   Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 Flora Europaea Skalinska, 1959
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 Poland Database Skali?ska M., Czapik R., Piotrowicz M. et al. 1959. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms (Dicotyledons). Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 28, 487-529.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L. 16(1)   Asteracea Polya 1948 Arch. Biol. Hungaria
  Inula britannica subsp. britannica Inula britannica L.   16(1) Asteracea Saito et al. 2005 Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L. 8(1)   Asteracea Rostovsteva 1979a Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad)
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN online Krogulevich, R. E. 1984. In R.E. Krogulevich & T.S. Rostovtseva, Khromosomnye Chisla Tsvetkovykh Rastenii i Sibiri Dal'nego Vostoka. Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Novosibirsk. ý.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN online Magulaev, A. Y. 1982. The number of chromosomes of the species of Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae and Plantaginaceae of the North Caucasus. Biol. Nauki (Moscow) 11 (227): 74–79.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN online Dmitrieva, S. A. 1987. Kariologicheskaja kharakteristika nekotorykh predstaviteley sem. slozhnocvetnykh (Asteraceae Dumort.) flory Belorussii. Botanika (Minsk) 28: 23–33.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   16 IPCN online Probatova, N. S. & A. P. Sokolovskaya. 1990. Chromosome numbers in some representatives of the families Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Lamiaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Urticaceae from the Soviet Far East. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 75: 1619–1622.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN online Krasnikov, A. A. & M. N. Lomonosova. 1990. Chromosome numbers in representatives of some families of vascular plants in the flora of the Novosibirsk region. I. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 75: 116–118.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN online Kiehn, M., E. Vitek & C. Dobea. 2000. In C. Dobea & E. Vitek, Documented Chromosome Number Checklist of Austrian Vascular Plants. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Vienna.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN online Kuzmanov, B. & V. Nikolova. 1977. In IOPB chromosome number reports LVIII. Taxon 26: 557–565.
!   Inula britannica var. tymiensis Kudô Inula britannica L.   24 IPCN online Nishikawa, T. 1980. Chromosome counts of flowering plants of Hokkaido (3). J. Hokkaido Univ. Educ., Sect. 2B 31: 19–23.
!   Inula britannica var. tymiensis Kudô Inula britannica L.   16 IPCN online Nishikawa, T. 1984. Chromosome counts of flowering plants of Hokkaido (7). J. Hokkaido Univ. Educ., Sect. 2B 35: 31–42.
  Inula britannica subsp. britannica Inula britannica L.   16 IPCN online Saito, Y., G. Kokubugata, K. Kondo, I. V. Tatarenko & P. V. Kulikov. 2005. Distribution patterns of 45S ribosomal DNA sites on somatic chromosomes of three subspecies of Inula britannica (Asteraceae) in Japan and Russia. Ann. Tsukuba Bot. Gard. 24: 63–69.
!   Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN67-71 MAJOVSKY, J., ET. AL. 1970. Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. (Part 2). Acta Fae. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae Bot. 18: 45-60.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN67-71 ZHUKOVA, P. G. 1967. Karyology of some plants, cultivated in the Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden. (In Russian). In N. A. Avrorin (ed.): Plantarum in Zonam Polarem Transportatio. II. Leningrad 1967, pp. 139-149.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 IPCN67-71 D'AMATO, G. 1971. In Numeri cromosomici per la flora Italiana. Inf. Bot. Italiano 3:- 124-157.
!   Inula britannica subsp. britannica Inula britannica L.   16, (24) Love, 1948 Okabe 1937.
!   Inula britannica subsp. britannica Inula britannica L.   32 Love, 1948 P6lya (in So6 1947).
!   Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   2n = 32 Austria_checklist M. Kiehn, E. Vitek & Ch. Dobes unpubl.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 Cave1959 Skalinska et al, 1959
!   Inula britannica None Inula britannica L.   16 CromoCat 2015 Kuzmanov, B., Georgieva, S. & Nikolova, M. (1993a). Karyological study of Bulgarian Asteraceae. Vll. Fitologija 44: 16-31.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L. 0 16 CromoCat 2015 Probatova, N. S. & A. P. Sokolovskaya. (1990). Chromosome numbers in some representatives of the families Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Lamiaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Urticaceae from the Soviet F
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L. 0 32 CromoCat 2015 Chepinoga, V. V., Gnutikov, A. A., Lubogoschinsky, P. I. & Fleckenstein, K. M. (2012). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 13 Taxon 61:889-891
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L. 0 32 CromoCat 2015 Kiehn, M., Vitek, E. & Dobeš, C. (2000). In C. Dobeš & E. Vitek, Documented Chromosome Number Checklist of Austrian Vascular Plants. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Vienn
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   24 CromoCat 2015 Nishikawa, T. (1980). Chromosome counts of flowering plants of Hokkaido (3) Journal of Hokkaido University of Education : Section IIB 31: 19-23
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   32 CromoCat 2015 Kuzmanov, B. & Nikolova, V. (1977). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LVIII]. Taxon 26(5/6): 559.
!   Inula britannica None Inula britannica L.   32 CromoCat 2015 Löve, A. & Löve, D. (1982c). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LXXVI]. Taxon 31(3): 583-587.
  Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L.   16 IAPT/IOPB IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 26